“We are made in the image of God as distinctly men or women, and we are called to reflect that image in knowledge, righteousness, and holiness as men and women."

Rosaria's Story
Rosaria Butterfield, a former tenured professor of English and women’s studies at Syracuse University, converted to Christ in what she describes as a train wreck. Her memoir, The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert: An English Professor’s Journey into Christian Faith (Crown and Covenant, 2012), chronicles her conversion. Rosaria is married to Kent, a Reformed Presbyterian pastor in North Carolina. She is a mother, grandmother, author, and speaker.

please NOte:
Due to Rosaria’s heavy writing schedule, she is no longer accepting speaking and interview requests at this time. She is grateful for your understanding! (as of 7/24)
Clear Truth Media Article, “Why Progressivism Hates Repentance” by Rosaria Butterfield
Interview - Loving People Through the Truth - Focus on the Family with Jim Daly
ADF - The Government Can’t Infringe on Parental Rights
Bibliography of Cru’s Discredited Side B Gay Curriculum
Rosaria Butterfield - From LGBT Culture to God's Truth - ReFOCUS with Jim Daly
Interview - Conversation on Same-Sex Attraction with Sean McDowell
Interview - Outstanding Podcast -PRIDE Goeth Before the Fall Month
Interview – The Commonwealth Matters Podcast:
Interview – Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey – Calling Out Cru’s LGBTQCompromise
Interview – Real Truth for Today:
Interview – The Link with Chris Brooks:
Interview – Afternoons with Bill Arnold:
"Cru's LGBTQ+ Teaching Series" on YouTube”
Note: Please only purchase the book and study guide for Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age published by Crossway in 2023, as there are study guides available that she did not write or authorize. Thank you.
A Chat with Rosaria Butterfield- WORLD Magazine
Geneva College Commencement 2024
Answers in Genesis article-The Problem with Pronouns
Impact 360 Institute podcast-5 Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age with Rosaria Butterfield
Interview - Servants of Grace:
American Reformer Podcast- The Lies of Our Age
700 Club interview with Terry Meeuwsen
Live the Christian Life with Courage. Revive Our Hearts - Grounded Podcast
Profiles in Christian Living podcast
WORLD Radio - Confronting today’s lies: A conversation with Rosaria Butterfield
LU Convocation | Dr. Rosaria Butterfield - YouTube
5 Lies Our Culture Is Telling Us
Interview: Rosaria Butterfield-Mark Powell
Unpacking “Love Is Love” | Crossway Articles
Crossway 5 Lies videos: 1) Homosexuality is Normal. 2) Being a Spiritual Person is Kinder Than Being a Biblical Christian. 3) Feminism is Good for the World and the Church. 4) Transgenderism is Normal. 5) Modesty is an Outdated Burden That Serves Male Dominance and Holds Women Back.
Guilt Grace Gratitude - Rosaria Butterfield | Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age
Rosaria: The Idolization of LGBTQ+ & Other LIES within the Church- Eric Metaxas
Life and Books & Everything with Kevin DeYoung
5 Lies of Our Time- The Becket Cook Show
ACCS: The Classical Difference
Podcast: Sexual Confusion, Cultural Lies, and Our Christian Witness (Rosaria Butterfield)
Christianity & Liberalism podcast - Episode 1
Christianity & Liberalism podcast - Episode 2
The Making of a Monster: Frankenstein, Transgenderism, and Government Education
Dear False Teacher: The Puritan Thomas Brooks Would Like a Word with You - Reformation 21
How to View Transgenderism | 1st Reformed Presbyterian
Why I no longer use Transgender Pronouns—and Why You shouldn’t, either. - Reformation 21
Faith & Reason Patrick Henry College Welcome Dr. Rosaria Butterfield
Leading with Who You Are: The Misunderstood Calling of the Submitted Wife - CBMW
Mary Weller: Stealing Candy From Babies: Trans-activism, Gender, and Kids
Retraction of my Position on Reparative Therapy and Ex-Gay Organizations
Rosaria Butterfield
mORE FROM Rosaria On . . .